Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Without Looking Back by Tabitha Suzuma

Title: Without Looking Back
Author: Tabitha Suzama
Pages: 288
Genre: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Published: May 7th 2009 by Corgi Childrens
Source:  Library Book

I used to be called Louis Whittaker, he thought to himself. I had a sister called Millie and a brother called Max. I used to live in a big house in Paris. I used to speak French every day. None of this is true anymore...

Louis is a young Parisian with a lot on his plate - his parents are locked in a custody battle over him and his brother and sister, Mum is always working late and Dad is rarely allowed to visit. But his passion and talent for dancing and his friends at school mean that life in Paris is good and certainly not one he ever thought he'd be forced to leave behind. So when Dad suddenly whisks Louis and his siblings away on a surprise holiday to England, right in the middle of the school term, he isn't too thrilled, especially as Dad is acting strangely again. Why is he being so secretive and paranoid - could it be he has not fully recovered from his mental breakdown? The rented farmhouse in the Lake District is nice, but why is Dad furnishing it and why won't he let them call home? Then Louis comes across a poster - a missing person's poster. And it has his face on it...


Without Looking Back follows the story of three French kids Louis (12), Max (14) and Millie (8) who are taken by there father to England, who had deemed it a "surprise" trip for them. 
This was in fact not the truth. Their father had taken the children away from their mother who had won sole custody of them. After settling down their world tumbles apart. The book ends with Millie, Max and the father boarding a plane, with Louis staying behind to go live with his mum. 

So I finished this book today, and I am disappointed with the ending. I feel like it could have done with an added 20+ pages, to make the ending more secure/concrete. 
I was REALLY interested in this story when I read the blurb it sounded so great.
And it was great. I just didn't love it. 
There were just parts I didn't understand. For example, when Max asks about his missing mobile, he only asks for it once, and then what completely forgets about it again? No 14 year old technological lover would just not ask about it again. 
I just feel that those kids would have asked questions more often, or noticed that something was very off. 
Overall I did enjoy the story greatly, and was sad to see the family part their separate ways in the end. 

I think that anyone should read this book, its great! I just didn't fall in love with it like i'd hoped too! And it was well written in my opinion.


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