Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: The One That I Want by Jennifer Echols

Title: The One That I Want
Author: Jennifer Echols
Pages: 259
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Published: February 7th 2012 by Simon Pulse
Source:  Library Book

Gemma can’t believe her luck when the star football player starts flirting with her. Max is totally swoon-worthy, and even gets her quirky sense of humor. So when he asks out her so-called best friend Addison, Gemma’s heartbroken.

Then Addison pressures Gemma to join the date with one of Max’s friends. But the more time they all spend together, the harder Gemma falls for Max. She can’t help thinking that Max likes her back—it’s just too bad he’s already dating Addison. How can Gemma get the guy she wants without going after her best friend’s boyfriend?


Okay so I must have decided to read all Jennifer Echol's books, even though I personally think her earlier works are better. 

There is so much in this book that bugged me. Or maybe its because, i've read too much "romance" this year. 

This book follows the story of Gemma. Gemma is I don't really know how to explain her; she is a girl who was apart of the school band, described herself as the 'arty' one. But this year she decides to go out for majorette. 

So yeah Gemma makes the majorette team as does her "best friend" Addison, and another girl Delilah. 

During the summer holidays, the marjorettes are at a summer majorette camp? This is where Gemma notices Max. 

Lots of other stuff happens, but i'll leave it up to you to read. 

Okay review time: 

For starters, what are with ALL the fathers in Jennifer Echol books? Why are they all mean and rude, or not supportive. I feel some father issues come out in all of these stories. I can't believe her father would buy her a BMW rather than see her? 

Gemma Gemma Gemma. Can I just ask, why in young adult fiction when the main character is a girl, why does she have to be skinny, or lose weight to gain attention? What is wrong with curvy, chubby, fat girls? Why can't they be pretty? This really bugged me, she could always do the majorette thing at her original weight, why does she have to be skinnier. This really bugs me about this genre. GEMMA, WHY DID YOU CONTINUE TO BE FRIENDS WITH ADDISON IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE YOUR FRIENDSHIP. Like you had lovely Delilah you could have been friends with. And this friendship with Robert. I didn't like it. I felt he just used her, because he knew of the feelings she had for him, and he just continued to be like that. SZXJK LFgbhn. The whole Max situation, I just don't understand. 

Addison. why. be. an. arse. (that is all that needs to be said about her).

MAX MAX MAX MAX. If you like one girl you go out with HER not the bestfriend. I do not understand his logic AT ALL. Like how did he think it would work out nicely? Oh I also feel we were supposed to feel attracted to Max, but I didn't. I think he went around the situation wrong. And that goatee, eww, just imagining it, it seemed weird. haha sorry. 

Okay now I just don't understand why the book needs to take place in such a short time span, why can't things have happened gradually and not rushed? Maybe it was me, but I feel like a week passed in a chapter, then the next five chapters were a few days? Maybe I just read the book wrong. 

The relationships in this book annoyed me. Maybe the book just annoyed me. 

Okay basically I thought there was so much in this book, that just didn't make sense to me and annoyed me. 

I didn't like the ending either, it felt I don't know, a bit rushed. I felt that Max wouldn't make out with Gemma on the school bus, but actually drive over to her house. 

I originally gave this book 3 stars but after thinking about it OVER and OVER, I decided on two stars. Because the characters annoyed me, because I think the four daters would have felt the tension between each other. I don't know or understand why they went out with the wrong person for ages. The best friends friendships didn't seem that healthy to me either. 

I just didn't really enjoy the read, though it was a fast one.


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