Sunday 28 September 2014

Book Review: Imposter by Jill Hathaway

Title: Imposter (Slide #2)
Author: Jill Hathaway
Pages: 272
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery
Published: April 26th 2013 by HarperCollins Children's Books
Source: Library Book 

Be afraid of your shadow...Vee Bell has witnessed murder. She nearly died trying to track down the killer, all because of her secret condition. She'd tell her best friend Rollins but lately he seems more interested in his colleague Anna than her. Maybe she should confide in her long-lost aunt who's turned up out of the blue? All of a sudden life is happening in reverse: Vee is waking up in weird places not knowing what she's done. The only thing she's sure of is that someone is messing with her. And when a prank goes horribly wrong, this time the hands with blood on them might be hers.


Okay. I was very reluctant to pick this book up. But alas I can not leave a series unfinished, so I decided to read this book. 

And yet again I am disappointed, but even more so than with the previous book. 

So Vee can still Slide into people, but now Rollins knows too. So Vee one night wakes up driving a car, believing its a dream crashes the car, to only find out its NOT a dream, and the dots connect in her head that someone has Slid into her. After getting out of the car, Scott (the guy that raped/almost raped her) happens along the road with a very drunk Samantha (Vee's ex-best friend in the car too) offers her a lift, she doesn't want it so he drives off. A lady then gives Vee a lift home, and just happens to know where she lives without even asking for directions oooooooh spooky. 

But who else can slide? and how do they have something of hers? (cause you need something emotionally attached to a person to be able to slide into them).

Then a long lost Aunt turns up, and Vee is like, its her. So she acts all rude, blah blah blah. 
Sam appears sad at school, so Vee, Samantha, Mattie (Vee's sister) and Regina (Mattie's friend) hatch a plan to get back at Scott. Scott gets hurt to put it simply. So he ends up in the hospital, he wakes up and then BAM two days later he is murdered!

Vee again thinks it her Aunt? 

Turns out it was Samantha, i didn't see that coming it was odd haha.

Oh and the mystery slider is drum roll...... MATTIE though i really have no idea how they slide, i thought you had to have something of that person which they had an emotional attachment too, but maybe the rules changed? 

And the book ends really after Rollins and Vee finally become a couple (well that happens near half was through) and he holds like a prom at Vee's house, cause Vee hates prom, due to getting raped/or almost raped at prom. 

Okay what I thought of this book:

WHY WHY WHY WHY this plot? I do NOT get it, I didn't like the characters I actually liked Vee less in this one. The girl characters are just eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. 

The aunt, and her backstory? Um okay. Was that even necessary? And why stay away for over 20 years? i don't get it. 

It was confusing, with everything going on, with the characters and their feelings, it was just a jumble of the book. 

This book made me really not like the Dad even more. He was still grieving the wife who had died, even though he cheated, got someone else pregnant, and dated her sister first. He was SFRK>?J LKJH SLK G, i wanted to slap him so hard, he was an arse. 

A plus though, Vee and Mattie's relationship. I liked that sisterly relationship. 

Rollins and Vee, I personally believed they should have happened in the first book, their relationship was at times weird though.

I don't know why Vee dyed her hair back blond though..? 

To put it in the least amount of words: The first was better, this was confusing, and I didn't like the story line.


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