Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Fallout by Todd Strasser

Title: Fallout
Author: Todd Strasser
Pages: 272
Genre: Children's Fiction (Historical Fiction, Adventure)
Published: September 10th 2013 by Candlewick Press
Source: Library Book

What if the bomb had actually been dropped? What if your family was the only one with a shelter?

In the summer of 1962, the possibility of nuclear war is all anyone talks about. But Scott’s dad is the only one in the neighborhood who actually prepares for the worst. As the neighbors scoff, he builds a bomb shelter to hold his family and stocks it with just enough supplies to keep the four of them alive for two critical weeks. In the middle of the night in late October, when the unthinkable happens, those same neighbors force their way into the shelter before Scott’s dad can shut the door. With not enough room, not enough food, and not enough air, life inside the shelter is filthy, physically draining, and emotionally fraught. But even worse is the question of what will -- and won’t -- remain when the door is opened again. Internationally best-selling author Todd Strasser has written his most impressive and personal novel to date, ruthlessly yet sensitively exploring the terrifying what-ifs of one of the most explosive moments in human history.


This was my second Todd Strasser book, after reading Boot Camp and not really enjoying it, I heard about this book which was at the time soon to be released, and grabbed a copy from my library.

So Fallout is set in 1962, and the threat of a nuclear war is high. The story follows Scott. 

Scott and his family are the only people with a bomb shelter. 
And then the unthinkable happens, a nuclear bomb went off. 

A lot of things happen after that, a lot of it is really sad. But read it!!

The story follows two story lines, one being the time after the bomb went off and the other being the days/weeks before hand. The story alternates between these two story lines. 

Okay so to me this was a really realistic book, because this COULD have happened, this could have been apart of history, but luckily is only fiction.

I think it is really easy to place yourself into Scott's shoes, even though he is only a kid, what happens in his life is something that many people could relate to, the dangers of war. 

I think if I was ever faced with the issue of having a bomb shelter and other trying to get in, I have no idea what I would have done. 

Scott's father is placed in a very difficult position, after Scott's mother is injured during people struggling to break into the shelter, he becomes responsible for six additional people. 

The difficult conditions they live in the shelter are pretty bad, urinating and defecating into a bucket, in front of everyone. Shedding clothes due to needing to wash, lack of food. And just being stuck with some pretty not nice characters. Especially that Mr. McGoven who wants to get rid of Scott's mother and Janet (the african american who babysits Scott and his brother).

In all, this was a very good book, I enjoyed it greatly. Strasser was able to turn a threat to reality. It is an easy read of a book, I read it in one sitting, then I reread it. Because it was just so thought provoking. The way this novel is written it is easy to place yourself into their shoes and just imagine the harsh conditions they were living in. 

I think this is a very worthwhile read. Plus it has a very pretty cover!


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