Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Letters From Skye by Jessica Brockmole

Title: Letters From Skye
Author: Jessica Brockmole
Pages: 304
Genre: Adult (Historical Fiction, Romance)
Published: July 4th 2013 by Hutchinson
Source:  Library Book, now own

A sweeping story told in letters, spanning two continents and two world wars, Jessica Brockmole’s atmospheric debut novel captures the indelible ways that people fall in love, and celebrates the power of the written word to stir the heart.
March 1912: Twenty-four-year-old Elspeth Dunn, a published poet, has never seen the world beyond her home on Scotland’s remote Isle of Skye. So she is astonished when her first fan letter arrives, from a college student, David Graham, in far-away America. As the two strike up a correspondence—sharing their favorite books, wildest hopes, and deepest secrets—their exchanges blossom into friendship, and eventually into love. But as World War I engulfs Europe and David volunteers as an ambulance driver on the Western front, Elspeth can only wait for him on Skye, hoping he’ll survive.
June 1940: At the start of World War II, Elspeth’s daughter, Margaret, has fallen for a pilot in the Royal Air Force. Her mother warns her against seeking love in wartime, an admonition Margaret doesn’t understand. Then, after a bomb rocks Elspeth’s house, and letters that were hidden in a wall come raining down, Elspeth disappears. Only a single letter remains as a clue to Elspeth’s whereabouts. As Margaret sets out to discover where her mother has gone, she must also face the truth of what happened to her family long ago.


Let me just start by saying this was the first historical fiction novel i've read. And let me just add that I really very muchly enjoyed this. 

So this novel is comprised of letters. It switches between chapters from Elspeth's pov and Margret's (Margret is Elspeth's daughter). Elspeth's letters are from between 1912 and 1917 and Margret's letters take place during 1940. 

Elspeth is a poet living on the Isle of Skye off Scotland when she receives her first ever fan letter. That letter is from Davey. Davey is an american college student from Illinois. After that first letter the two essentially become pen pals. Davey calls Elspeth Sue. Friendship is built during these letters, but then their friendship blooms into love. The thing is Elspeth is married. dun dun dun. All hope is not lost, when Davely and Sue meet, their love just grows as does the affair.

Davey volunteers in France working as an Ambulance driver with his best friend. Meanwhile Elspth's husband is deemed missing and after a while dead. So Davey and Sue continue their affair. This is when Davey is taken as a prisoner of war. In the camp, whom does he meet other than Sue's husband. Who is in fact not dead. *GASPS*

Meanwhile its 1940, and war is raging yet again. Margret lives with her mother Elspeth in Edinburgh and knows absolutely nothing about her mothers past. That is until a bomb hits their street, and letters appear from the blown apart wall. Margret grabs one before her mum enters the room and hides it from view. The very next day Elspeth has left without a word nor trace. And Margret is on the search for her mother and her mothers past. Along the way Margret uncovers more than she thought she would. 

Okay, so I really enjoyed this story, its completely letters, which is very interesting. I like how the characters grow throughout the novel. 
I just love this story, the plot, the characters, the love story was just mussy and nice. 

I like that in rough times love, hope, friendship and family still shine through.

I really like the ending so I won't spoil it (though I do want more!! but I guess its up to my imagination). I would recommend this to like lots of people, but I don't want to share it. 


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