My Rating and Review Policy

I personally write all my reviews which are based on how I felt and my opinions surrounding about an individual book. 

★ 5 star books: I loved this book, and if I don't own it already I will shortly!
★ 4 star books: I really enjoyed it
★ 3 star books: I liked it, but something was missing
★ 2 star books:  It was okay/ alright. 
★ 1 star books: I didn't like it/ wasn't the right book for me/ couldn't finish 

Favourite books of mine: may be books of any starred rating! 

Any offers of ARCs and/or book tours should be sent to my email: and I'll reply as soon as possible. 

I am open to ARCs in these formats: physical books, ePub or Kindle. I am interested reading and reviewing ARCs of the following genres:

  • Young Adult –
    • Contemporary
    • Paranormal
    • Steampunk
    • Mystery
    • Thriller
    • Horror
    • Romance
    • Fantasy
    • Sci-fy
    • Dystopian
    • Basically I’ll read any and every young adult book! 
  • New Adult –
    • I choose New Adult books based on their blurb, so if it appeals to me, it is a GO!

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