Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang

Title: Falling Into Place
Author: Amy Zhang
Pages: 304
Genre: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Published: September 9th 2014 by Greenwillow Books
Source:  EPub ARC from Publisher, now own

On the day Liz Emerson tries to die, they had reviewed Newton’s laws of motion in physics class. Then, after school, she put them into practice by running her Mercedes off the road. 

Why? Why did Liz Emerson decide that the world would be better off without her? Why did she give up? Vividly told by an unexpected and surprising narrator, this heartbreaking and nonlinear novel pieces together the short and devastating life of Meridian High’s most popular junior girl. Mass, acceleration, momentum, force—Liz didn’t understand it in physics, and even as her Mercedes hurtles toward the tree, she doesn’t understand it now. How do we impact one another? How do our actions reverberate? What does it mean to be a friend? To love someone? To be a daughter? Or a mother? Is life truly more than cause and effect? Amy Zhang’s haunting and universal story will appeal to fans of Lauren Oliver, Gayle Forman, and Jay Asher.


I received this arc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

How do you write a book review for a book you loved? It is tough, let me tell you. 

I really liked how the book opened on Newton's laws, that was an interesting touch! 

I really loved this book, I believe it will be one of my favourites of the year. 

This book tells the story of the day Liz Emerson tries to die. The way the book was written and told was really interesting, as you never knew who the narrator was until the very end. 

The characters within this book, are people you would not always tend to like, but the way they are written and the way their back stories are told, brings a new light and depth to them, that you can't help feeling the emotions they feel. 

I think this is a very important book to read, because the way it deals with the issues raised within it, was well done (I personally thought so anyway). 

I read this book in one sitting, because wow do those pages fly, it was just so engaging. 

Ten Positives:

1. The way this book is told. The narration is lovely.

2. The snapshots. I found these really interesting. 

3. Chapter 2's title: How to save a corpse. I just really enjoyed and loved this title.

4. Liam. He just wormed his way into my heart and made me feel things.

5. Who the narrator is.

6. The writing, it was just so beautifully written. And was just such a lovely read. 

7. I like how the further into the book you got, the more you understood the actions of the characters, as well as their personalities. 

8. That a certain dickhead male got punched in the face. That made me so happy. 

9. Liz. I really liked how complex of a character she was. Turning each page, was like watching a petal unfold from a blooming flower. 

10. The book as a whole. I just loved it. 

Overall this was just an amazing book, and I am so very glad that I read it.

My favourite quote, which can be found on page 259: The worst part of being forgotten, I think, is watching.


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