Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: September Girls by Bennett Madison

Title: September Girls
Author: Bennett Madison
Pages: 352
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Contemporary
Published: May 21st 2013 by HarperTeen
Source:  Library Book

When Sam's dad whisks him and his brother off to a remote beach town for the summer, he's all for it-- at first. Sam soon realizes, though, that this place is anything but ordinary. Time seems to slow down around here, and everywhere he looks, there are beautiful blond girls. Girls who seem inexplicably drawn to him. 

Then Sam meets DeeDee, one of the Girls, and she's different from the others. Just as he starts to fall for her, she pulls away, leaving him more confused than ever. He knows that if he's going to get her back, he'll have to uncover the secret of this beach and the girls who live here.

Review: beware of swearing

There are very few books that anger me. And guess what September Girls you are one of them. Lets just start by saying, this sounded great, the cover was great. But that is where everything positive ends. 


Sam you sexist little shit, I hated your narration, and why do you masturbate all the damn time. Why are you always walking somewhere. Not all girls are bitches and hos, and they don't all elicit a fricking BONER YOU MORON. What is wrong with you?

Actually what is wrong with practically EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER? 

So this is a story about mermaids that live at this beach somewhere. But it follows the p.o.v. of a guy named Sam, I think he is like 16 and he is a virgin. And because he is a virgin all the girls LOVE him. 

So the "girls" are mermaids, well not all girls just the ones who are blonde who are really pretty, have massive boobs and great looking arses. And yeah these girls were also called bitches and hos multiple times. THIS IS NOT OKAY. 

These girls were only alive for a very short time, and if they wanted to "live" a proper full life, they had a have sex with a virgin boy, but the catch is they can't talk to said boy. Said boy has to approach them and talk to them first....

This is a curse placed on the girls by their father Endlessness, what that is I have no idea, because of their mother Deapness (again I have no idea). Some messed up family I tell you. 

In the story Sam like goes for a girl called DeeDee, who slut shames her friends and her like so called "sister". DeeDee's favourite word to describe females is ho. Just NO. 

Okay in the end of the story, Sam is like oh wow my penis is "OH SO DAMN MAGICAL" i'm going to save you DeeDee by putting it in you. No Sam you are not great or magical you are a twat. 

The end was just shit. Complete shit. Like Sam forgets about the beach and what happens the moment he crosses the interstate? um okay... 

I just didn't like this, it took me FOREVER to read, cause it was painful. I hated how just horrible this all was. 

Overall, just no. Never ever again. Sorry Bennett Madison, I will never read you again (maybe one day, just not yet).

PS: It has such a lovely cover. 


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