Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Killing Britney by Sean Olin

Title: Killing Britney
Author: Sean Olin
Pages: 240
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Thriller
Published: July 1st 2005 by Simon Pulse
Source:  Library Book

Britney is the girl everyone loves to hate.
Ever since Britney transformed herself from freak-and-geek to the most popular girl at school, her life has been touched by tragedy. First it was her mom, who drowned on a family rafting trip. Then her hockey-star boyfriend, Ricky, was killed in a hit-and-run.
When the deaths continue to pile up, everyone fears for Britney. Sure she's popular, blond, and fabulous.
But is that enough reason for someone to want to...kill her?


If I didn't say this was a confusing book, i'd be lying. If I didn't say that I hated the ending, i'd be lying. If I said I wasn't disappointed by this book i'd be lying. 

This book. 

How do I even start..... it was just bad. 

The premise, was so promising. It sounded interesting, it sounded like it was going to be mysterious. Which I guess it was, but it was a bad mystery. 

If you didn't get what was happening around half way through, it could have been better, but once you figured it out. WOW, letdown. 

Lets get back to the story. So it follows Britney, blonde, popular, perfect boyfriend, used to be ugly/fat/lame. So it was the whole unpopular to popular scenario (her mum also died in a freak accident when she was thirteen). 

But then Britney's boyfriend Ricky is killed (it was a horrible death).

And then weird things start to happen, Britney gets threats, and yeah. But then more people are murdered, and it looks as if someone is after Britney, or are they.....

They weren't after her, because Britney was the murderer, shock right? No it wasn't. All the deaths were just so convenient. I have no idea how the police did not connect the such obvious dots. LIKE REALLY. anyone who knew too much about Britney was brutally murdered. How does that not make you point fingers at her?

Also Britney and Adam sleep together the day after Brintey's bestfriend is murdered who is also Adam's girlfriend. NOT okay. that was gross and weird. Adam also became like a new guy every 10ish pages. That whole "moment" was icky. 

The end of the story. Why. Just why. Why oh why. Britney is INSANE. 

Okay I really did not like this at all. I'm sorry. It just hit the complete wrong nerve with me. It was not an okay thing. 

I didn't like the characters, they were shallow/2d and boring. It was short and badly written at times. 

I just didn't enjoy this. 


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