Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review; Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher

Title: Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Author: Lucy Christopher
Pages: 301
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Realistic Fiction
Published: May 4th 2009 by Chicken House Ltd
Source:  Library Book, now own

It happened like this. I was stolen from an airport. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him.

This is my story.

A letter from nowhere. 

Sixteen year old Gemma is kidnapped from Bangkok airport and taken to the Australian Outback. This wild and desolate landscape becomes almost a character in the book, so vividly is it described. Ty, her captor, is no stereotype. He is young, fit and completely gorgeous. This new life in the wilderness has been years in the planning. He loves only her, wants only her. Under the hot glare of the Australian sun, cut off from the world outside, can the force of his love make Gemma love him back? 

The story takes the form of a letter, written by Gemma to Ty, reflecting on those strange and disturbing months in the outback. Months when the lines between love and obsession, and love and dependency, blur until they don't exist - almost.


Okay, can I start by WOW, and what the hell.

Um this book was just confronting, engaging, it made me angry, it made me feel BIG confusing feelings.
And let me set this straight right away, I did NOT like Ty, I thought he had some serious problems. 

But I will be forever grateful for the final decision he made. 

How do you even right a review for a book like this? 

Okay, really. Just read it because, it doesn't matter how you feel about the story or the characters, this is just a book you need to read, because it will open you eyes (to weird things and such, I think). 

The whole book is a long long long long letter to Gemma's captor Ty. And its just OHMYGOSH.

Over and out. 

Though, we really do need a novella about what happened to Stolen (the camel). 


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