Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Since Forever Ago by Olivia Besse

Title: Since Forever Ago
Author: Olivia Besse
Pages: 316
Genre: New Adult (Contemporary, Romance)
Published: May 13th 2014 by Wunderland Press
Source:  EPub ARC from Publisher

Fresh off the heels of a devastating breakup, Riley Benson is a mess. But with her ingenious plan to become a ball-busting heartbreaker herself, she’s pretty sure she’ll survive. After all, what better way is there to get revenge than to move on?

Riley’s determined to become the perfect bachelorette—she’s going to drink like a bro, belch like a beast and swear so much that she’ll make even the most seasoned sailors blush. After all, those are the qualities that every guy’s secretly looking for…. aren’t they?

Max Fletcher is in love with the girl who gave him chicken pox and his first broken leg. When his best friend seems to finally be out of the picture, he can’t help but want to keep Riley all to himself. And, after coaching her with the very best of the very worst love advice, it seems as if he might actually get what he's wanted after all those years. But just as the two come to the realization that they're actually kind of perfect for each other, along comes a secret that threatens to tear them apart.


I received this arc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Okay first thing about this book. I know these are young adults (early twenties), I am a young adult myself, but personally I do not think this excuses what these characters did, one bit. 

I am kind of at a loss as to how to write this review, because I feel very very conflicted about this novel. Because while I did not enjoy this story, I will say, that the author created realistic characters, though she forgot to counterbalance the "badness/realness" of the characters created. 

Five Negatives:

1. The fact that the friendzone was even mentioned. The friendzone is a concept, that I HATE, because a girl owes you NOTHING just because you are friends. This was actually mentioned on page 20, I believe and I almost stopped reading there.

2. The fact that both boyfriends in this book, cheated on their girlfriends. I feel this painted EVERY guy in a bad light. Because not every guy cheats, and sometimes it is the girls. 

3. The way Max manipulates Riley. How does he even think this is an okay thing to do. If you like her, TELL HER, don't manipulate her, when she is down. That is disgusting behaviour. I am not even going to start on the other thing you did. 

4. Riley. Where do I start. The fact that you let your boyfriend control what you wore, LIKE REALLY? WHY? The next fact, you let yourself be manipulated by someone you trusted, who thought he was entitled to you. The way you treated your friends, and thought about other girls. I am not elaborating any further. 


Five Positives:

1. How horrible these character were. It was like everybody you never wanted to like all rolled into a book, where they did stupid things. 

2. The fact that Riley dumped Noah after they got back together (which should have NEVER HAPPENED). 

3. That Riley's friends would take no shit from her, after her and Noah broke up. AND after Riley and Max had a fight. I liked their friendship (I just wish they were nicer to each other as a whole). 

4. I enjoyed the writing style, I found it very easy to read and zip through. It was a fast read. 

5. The fact that Evan reads girls magazines. Even if it is for ulterior motives, I like the fact that he is trying to at least understand girls on a deeper level. 

Basically I found this a really quick read, but it was one I did not enjoy. I'm sorry.

P.S: There is no such thing as a slutty name. That was a horrible thing to even think Riley. 


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