Tuesday 30 September 2014

Book Review: Game by Barry Lyga

Title: Game (Jasper Dent #2)
Author: Barry Lyga
Pages: 520
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Contemporary
Published: April 16th 2013 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 
Source:  Library Book

Billy grinned. “Oh, New York,” he whispered. “We’re gonna have so much fun.”

I Hunt Killers introduced the world to Jazz, the son of history’s most infamous serial killer, Billy Dent.

In an effort to prove murder didn’t run in the family, Jazz teamed with the police in the small town of Lobo’s Nod to solve a deadly case. And now, when a determined New York City detective comes knocking on Jazz’s door asking for help, he can’t say no. The Hat-Dog Killer has the Big Apple–and its police force–running scared. So Jazz and his girlfriend, Connie, hop on a plane to the big city and get swept up in a killer’s murderous game.

Review: This review contains spoilers book one (I Hunt Killers) as well as Game.

Okay so I was finally really excited to get my hands on this book after the long wait for the library to acquire it.

I still loved this book even with everything I hated about it. 

That ending what a cliff hanger, it was more of a killer cliff hanger because you know Dog being killed as well as Morales, Jasper being shot in the leg, Hat getting away and Connie falling into Billy's trap (if it was a trap). But really WHAT an ending. 

I got so confused at times with the POV'S always changing, but I guess that is something you have to get used to. 
I really liked the concept of the Game, and am looking forward to the next book immensely. 
I really want to know what the bigger game Billy is playing. 
I have this weird feeling it has to do with Billy wanting Jasper to follow in his footstepts, maybe that was why Billy is in New York City looking for the mum, and why he baited Connie into finding him, but really who knows with Billy and that messed up head of his. 
And WHAT ABOUT THAT AUNTY, Sammy J, what is up with her. I just feel off about her. 
AND HOWIE oh HOWIE, what did you do!?!?! 
And who is this mysterious Ugly J. 

There are really just so many questions I want answers too!

But I really like how Connie and Jasper's relationship is explored more in this book, and aww it tugged at me, with you know the sex issue with them and just everything really. But just I really think they are good for each other. 

Some things that bugged me though, would the police and FBI really get Jasper to New York to help with the case? I don't know, that was a bit unrealistic for me. But I don't know how the FBI and NYPD work, so maybe they do that? 

Overall I really enjoyed this book and I Hunt Killers, and I can NOT wait for the third!!
I wonder what will happen... and if there will be a fourth book as well...


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