Tuesday 30 September 2014

September Book Haul

So September is my month of birthday, and I therefore got HEAPS of books.

I got quite a few from my book friends on tumblr, which was so lovely, since I had NO idea.

Books I got as gifts:

  • Ruby Red
  • Sapphire Blue
  • Amy & Roger's Epic Detour
  • Masquerade 
  • Stardust
  • This Song Will Save Your Life
  • Stolen
  • Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
  • Solitaire
  • The Knife of Never Letting Go
  • The Ask and the Answer
  • Monsters of Men

Books I bought and why:
  • Since You've Been Gone: I've been wanting to read this book since I started hearing people talk about it, and I can NOT wait to start reading it. 
  • The Rapunzel Dilemma: I read the companion novel The Cinderella Moment and enjoyed it, so I wanted to give this one a go also!
  • Heir of Fire: Because I own all the other books, and love them 
  • A Little Something Different: I was stuck in town for four hours with nothing to read, so I bought this book on a whim (it was an okay read)
  • Lux (Beginnings, Consequences, Opposition): I'd been seeing these on tumblr for AGES, and I found out they were being rerelased with these new covers (and bound together), so I decided why not, and I enjoyed them (review to come)
  • Anatomy of a Misfit: I bought this because of the title and the cover, the dedication also drew me in. It was also an okay read (review to come)
  • Noggin: I saw this at a bookstore, and HAD to buy it, because it has this cover (vibrant blue and yellow = to die for), and it was an amazing book (review to come)
  • The Infinite Sea: I bought this because bookworld were having a sale and I own the 5th wave (which I haven't read yet), so I can't wait to get around to these books!
  • A Monster Calls: Because I love Patrick Ness, and I wanted to own all of his books, haha.

I think that is all I can really say about my bookhaul, what did you get? 

Book Review: Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang

Title: Falling Into Place
Author: Amy Zhang
Pages: 304
Genre: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Published: September 9th 2014 by Greenwillow Books
Source:  EPub ARC from Publisher, now own

On the day Liz Emerson tries to die, they had reviewed Newton’s laws of motion in physics class. Then, after school, she put them into practice by running her Mercedes off the road. 

Why? Why did Liz Emerson decide that the world would be better off without her? Why did she give up? Vividly told by an unexpected and surprising narrator, this heartbreaking and nonlinear novel pieces together the short and devastating life of Meridian High’s most popular junior girl. Mass, acceleration, momentum, force—Liz didn’t understand it in physics, and even as her Mercedes hurtles toward the tree, she doesn’t understand it now. How do we impact one another? How do our actions reverberate? What does it mean to be a friend? To love someone? To be a daughter? Or a mother? Is life truly more than cause and effect? Amy Zhang’s haunting and universal story will appeal to fans of Lauren Oliver, Gayle Forman, and Jay Asher.


I received this arc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

How do you write a book review for a book you loved? It is tough, let me tell you. 

I really liked how the book opened on Newton's laws, that was an interesting touch! 

I really loved this book, I believe it will be one of my favourites of the year. 

This book tells the story of the day Liz Emerson tries to die. The way the book was written and told was really interesting, as you never knew who the narrator was until the very end. 

The characters within this book, are people you would not always tend to like, but the way they are written and the way their back stories are told, brings a new light and depth to them, that you can't help feeling the emotions they feel. 

I think this is a very important book to read, because the way it deals with the issues raised within it, was well done (I personally thought so anyway). 

I read this book in one sitting, because wow do those pages fly, it was just so engaging. 

Ten Positives:

1. The way this book is told. The narration is lovely.

2. The snapshots. I found these really interesting. 

3. Chapter 2's title: How to save a corpse. I just really enjoyed and loved this title.

4. Liam. He just wormed his way into my heart and made me feel things.

5. Who the narrator is.

6. The writing, it was just so beautifully written. And was just such a lovely read. 

7. I like how the further into the book you got, the more you understood the actions of the characters, as well as their personalities. 

8. That a certain dickhead male got punched in the face. That made me so happy. 

9. Liz. I really liked how complex of a character she was. Turning each page, was like watching a petal unfold from a blooming flower. 

10. The book as a whole. I just loved it. 

Overall this was just an amazing book, and I am so very glad that I read it.

My favourite quote, which can be found on page 259: The worst part of being forgotten, I think, is watching.


Book Review: Since Forever Ago by Olivia Besse

Title: Since Forever Ago
Author: Olivia Besse
Pages: 316
Genre: New Adult (Contemporary, Romance)
Published: May 13th 2014 by Wunderland Press
Source:  EPub ARC from Publisher

Fresh off the heels of a devastating breakup, Riley Benson is a mess. But with her ingenious plan to become a ball-busting heartbreaker herself, she’s pretty sure she’ll survive. After all, what better way is there to get revenge than to move on?

Riley’s determined to become the perfect bachelorette—she’s going to drink like a bro, belch like a beast and swear so much that she’ll make even the most seasoned sailors blush. After all, those are the qualities that every guy’s secretly looking for…. aren’t they?

Max Fletcher is in love with the girl who gave him chicken pox and his first broken leg. When his best friend seems to finally be out of the picture, he can’t help but want to keep Riley all to himself. And, after coaching her with the very best of the very worst love advice, it seems as if he might actually get what he's wanted after all those years. But just as the two come to the realization that they're actually kind of perfect for each other, along comes a secret that threatens to tear them apart.


I received this arc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Okay first thing about this book. I know these are young adults (early twenties), I am a young adult myself, but personally I do not think this excuses what these characters did, one bit. 

I am kind of at a loss as to how to write this review, because I feel very very conflicted about this novel. Because while I did not enjoy this story, I will say, that the author created realistic characters, though she forgot to counterbalance the "badness/realness" of the characters created. 

Five Negatives:

1. The fact that the friendzone was even mentioned. The friendzone is a concept, that I HATE, because a girl owes you NOTHING just because you are friends. This was actually mentioned on page 20, I believe and I almost stopped reading there.

2. The fact that both boyfriends in this book, cheated on their girlfriends. I feel this painted EVERY guy in a bad light. Because not every guy cheats, and sometimes it is the girls. 

3. The way Max manipulates Riley. How does he even think this is an okay thing to do. If you like her, TELL HER, don't manipulate her, when she is down. That is disgusting behaviour. I am not even going to start on the other thing you did. 

4. Riley. Where do I start. The fact that you let your boyfriend control what you wore, LIKE REALLY? WHY? The next fact, you let yourself be manipulated by someone you trusted, who thought he was entitled to you. The way you treated your friends, and thought about other girls. I am not elaborating any further. 


Five Positives:

1. How horrible these character were. It was like everybody you never wanted to like all rolled into a book, where they did stupid things. 

2. The fact that Riley dumped Noah after they got back together (which should have NEVER HAPPENED). 

3. That Riley's friends would take no shit from her, after her and Noah broke up. AND after Riley and Max had a fight. I liked their friendship (I just wish they were nicer to each other as a whole). 

4. I enjoyed the writing style, I found it very easy to read and zip through. It was a fast read. 

5. The fact that Evan reads girls magazines. Even if it is for ulterior motives, I like the fact that he is trying to at least understand girls on a deeper level. 

Basically I found this a really quick read, but it was one I did not enjoy. I'm sorry.

P.S: There is no such thing as a slutty name. That was a horrible thing to even think Riley. 


Book Review: Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

Title: Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3.5)
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Pages: 357
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Published: July 1st 2014 by Scholastic Press
Source:  Self Purchased 

A standalone companion book to the internationally bestselling Shiver Trilogy. 

Sinner follows Cole St. Clair, a pivotal character from the #1 New York Times bestselling Shiver Trilogy. Everybody thinks they know Cole's story. Stardom. Addiction. Downfall. Disappearance. But only a few people know Cole's darkest secret -- his ability to shift into a wolf. One of these people is Isabel. At one point, they may have even loved each other. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now Cole is back. Back in the spotlight. Back in the danger zone. Back in Isabel's life. Can this sinner be saved?

Review: Contains spoilers to previous books

Where do I even start? Even though I only read this series this year, I was SO excited to know there was more Cole and Isabel to come cause really I just can't resist them. 

I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing, world building, character creating and I just love maggie, she is pretty great (one of my favourite authors).

I should actually review this now, sorry. 

The story revolves around Cole and Isabel and take place after the events in Forever, its also set in California, which you should know if you've read Forever

This book was more contemporary than "paranormal", which I was actually really okay with, cause Cole was hardly ever a werewolf (it just would have been nice if we went into the curing topic, since it was stated that both Grace and Sam were human and going to college).

I really really enjoyed this book greatly, the romance was cute and interesting, and Cole. 

I really liked how Cole and Isabel's relationship expanded and became more intricate. I really liked certain scenes in this book.


AND LEON. Man what a marvelous character. 


Basically read all the books, because it is Maggie Stiefvater how could you not read her work? 

4.9 stars, because I WANT more.


Book Review: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

Title: We Were Liars
Author: E. Lockhart
Pages: 225
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery
Published: Published 2014 by Allen & Unwin
Source:  Self Purchased

A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island.

A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.

A group of four friends - the Liars - whose friendship turns destructive.

A revolution. An accident. A secret.

Lies upon lies.

True love.

The truth.

We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense that will leave you reeling.

Read it.

And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.

'We Were Liars is heartbreaking, witty, beautiful and disturbing. E. Lockhart's best book to date.' JUSTINE LARBALESTIER

'A haunting tale about how families live within their own mythologies. Sad, wonderful, and real.' SCOTT WESTERFELD


How does one write a review for a book that is terribly easy to spoil? 

We Were Liars, is a book i'd heard about for a few months, especially on booktube. It sounded intriguing, from what you can know about this book, so I was more than willing to give this book a try. 

And can I tell you that am I happy I did. That plot twist was all:
dkgbjdrx,h gdktfnxg ifgmh, and the book had me all over the place in terms of emotions and feelings. 

The book follows the Liars, a group of teenagers nicknamed this for reasons. They are; Cadence Sinclair (narrator), Mirren & Johnny Sinclair and Gat Patil (a family friend of sorts). The book follows the events that take place every summer on a privately owned island (the old timer viewed grandfather owns it). On the fifteenth visit/summer on the island an event happens, that shapes all future summers. 

This book contains so many twists and turns you will want to read it in one sitting (I did anyway). 

The book is best to be read, with knowing nothing about it, or as little as possible, it is either a hit or miss book (one I found a hit), that will keep your emotions all tangled up.

All in all if this book doesn't emotionally destroy you, it will shock you.


Book Review: The Cinderella Moment by Jennifer Kloester

Title: The Cinderella Moment
Author: Jennifer Kloester
Pages: 304
Genre: Contemporary, Retelling, Romance
Published: July 24th 2013 by Penguin Aus.
Source:  Free from PenguinTeenAUS event

A love of fashion.

A couture competition.

A once-in-a-lifetime chance . . .

Angel Moncoeur has always wanted to be a fashion designer, but without money or connections, it's going to be a challenge. When an opportunity to leave her home in New York and head to Paris appears, Angel grabs it – even if it means masquerading as her best friend Lily. That can't be too hard, can it?

But faking things doesn't come easy for Angel, so when she falls in love with her very own Prince Charming and he thinks she's someone else, things start to get complicated.

Angel needs to stop her secrets unravelling if she wants to live happily ever after . . .

From exciting talent Jennifer Kloester comes this fabulous story about high society, mistaken identity, love, betrayal, friendship – and great clothes.



This story follows Angel (Angelique), who wants to be a fashion designer but has no connections or money. Angel lives with her mother who is a cook for the de Tourney's. 

Lily is the only child of Philip de Tourney and Angel's best friend. When Lily is offered a one in a lifetime opportunity to attend a summer acting school she grabs it. But how is that to be, when Lily is meant to be in Paris visiting her Grandmama for two weeks? 

This is where Angel comes in. After much convincing she is off to Paris in Lily's place. 

Over the two weeks we meet many characters one being Nick. 

And that is all I'm going to say.

What I liked: 
I liked the idea of this book, it was well thought out, but not executed as amazingly as it could have been. 

Nick. Yeah, what can I say, I have a thing for fictional male characters haha. But really he was sweet and lovely. 

I also really liked the Grandmama. She was lovely, and had IMPECCABLE fashion sense. 

I also liked how this was a retelling of Cinderella, that was a little unusual (for reasons).

What I didn't like:
How easily Nick and Angel developed feelings, and in their words love for each other. It was insta love, which was fine. But it was a little too much too soon. 

Angel at times. I felt that at parts she had a few screws missing, but than a little later, she'd be smart again. 

Other characters, they seemed flat or 2D. They were entertaining, but I felt though they were well developed, we didn't explore them enough, or get to see their full character arc. 

The pacing, it felt off. At times it was nicely paced, and towards the end it felt, "OH MAN, I HAVE TO FIT THE COMPLETE END AND RESOLUTION INTO 30 PAGES", yeah I did not really enjoy that. And I really really wish there was another 30-50 pages to this story (because it was really short). 

Another thing, the book was only 300 pages, but it contained A LOT of dialogue, which was fine, but I felt there should have been more descriptions within the book as well... 

I enjoyed this. But I didn't love it. I did really want more, and yes I will read the companion novel in hopes that we will get to see more of this story in it (hopefully). 

I liked the spin and take on the cinderella fairytale. 

I liked the fashion within it. I liked the characters though they weren't that 'deep'. 

I liked the ending, though I wish it wasn't the ending and that it had another 30 pages AT LEAST.

I recommend this book for anyone who likes fashion, or guys haha.


Book Review; Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher

Title: Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Author: Lucy Christopher
Pages: 301
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Realistic Fiction
Published: May 4th 2009 by Chicken House Ltd
Source:  Library Book, now own

It happened like this. I was stolen from an airport. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Taken to sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him.

This is my story.

A letter from nowhere. 

Sixteen year old Gemma is kidnapped from Bangkok airport and taken to the Australian Outback. This wild and desolate landscape becomes almost a character in the book, so vividly is it described. Ty, her captor, is no stereotype. He is young, fit and completely gorgeous. This new life in the wilderness has been years in the planning. He loves only her, wants only her. Under the hot glare of the Australian sun, cut off from the world outside, can the force of his love make Gemma love him back? 

The story takes the form of a letter, written by Gemma to Ty, reflecting on those strange and disturbing months in the outback. Months when the lines between love and obsession, and love and dependency, blur until they don't exist - almost.


Okay, can I start by WOW, and what the hell.

Um this book was just confronting, engaging, it made me angry, it made me feel BIG confusing feelings.
And let me set this straight right away, I did NOT like Ty, I thought he had some serious problems. 

But I will be forever grateful for the final decision he made. 

How do you even right a review for a book like this? 

Okay, really. Just read it because, it doesn't matter how you feel about the story or the characters, this is just a book you need to read, because it will open you eyes (to weird things and such, I think). 

The whole book is a long long long long letter to Gemma's captor Ty. And its just OHMYGOSH.

Over and out. 

Though, we really do need a novella about what happened to Stolen (the camel). 


Book Review: The One That I Want by Jennifer Echols

Title: The One That I Want
Author: Jennifer Echols
Pages: 259
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Published: February 7th 2012 by Simon Pulse
Source:  Library Book

Gemma can’t believe her luck when the star football player starts flirting with her. Max is totally swoon-worthy, and even gets her quirky sense of humor. So when he asks out her so-called best friend Addison, Gemma’s heartbroken.

Then Addison pressures Gemma to join the date with one of Max’s friends. But the more time they all spend together, the harder Gemma falls for Max. She can’t help thinking that Max likes her back—it’s just too bad he’s already dating Addison. How can Gemma get the guy she wants without going after her best friend’s boyfriend?


Okay so I must have decided to read all Jennifer Echol's books, even though I personally think her earlier works are better. 

There is so much in this book that bugged me. Or maybe its because, i've read too much "romance" this year. 

This book follows the story of Gemma. Gemma is I don't really know how to explain her; she is a girl who was apart of the school band, described herself as the 'arty' one. But this year she decides to go out for majorette. 

So yeah Gemma makes the majorette team as does her "best friend" Addison, and another girl Delilah. 

During the summer holidays, the marjorettes are at a summer majorette camp? This is where Gemma notices Max. 

Lots of other stuff happens, but i'll leave it up to you to read. 

Okay review time: 

For starters, what are with ALL the fathers in Jennifer Echol books? Why are they all mean and rude, or not supportive. I feel some father issues come out in all of these stories. I can't believe her father would buy her a BMW rather than see her? 

Gemma Gemma Gemma. Can I just ask, why in young adult fiction when the main character is a girl, why does she have to be skinny, or lose weight to gain attention? What is wrong with curvy, chubby, fat girls? Why can't they be pretty? This really bugged me, she could always do the majorette thing at her original weight, why does she have to be skinnier. This really bugs me about this genre. GEMMA, WHY DID YOU CONTINUE TO BE FRIENDS WITH ADDISON IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE YOUR FRIENDSHIP. Like you had lovely Delilah you could have been friends with. And this friendship with Robert. I didn't like it. I felt he just used her, because he knew of the feelings she had for him, and he just continued to be like that. SZXJK LFgbhn. The whole Max situation, I just don't understand. 

Addison. why. be. an. arse. (that is all that needs to be said about her).

MAX MAX MAX MAX. If you like one girl you go out with HER not the bestfriend. I do not understand his logic AT ALL. Like how did he think it would work out nicely? Oh I also feel we were supposed to feel attracted to Max, but I didn't. I think he went around the situation wrong. And that goatee, eww, just imagining it, it seemed weird. haha sorry. 

Okay now I just don't understand why the book needs to take place in such a short time span, why can't things have happened gradually and not rushed? Maybe it was me, but I feel like a week passed in a chapter, then the next five chapters were a few days? Maybe I just read the book wrong. 

The relationships in this book annoyed me. Maybe the book just annoyed me. 

Okay basically I thought there was so much in this book, that just didn't make sense to me and annoyed me. 

I didn't like the ending either, it felt I don't know, a bit rushed. I felt that Max wouldn't make out with Gemma on the school bus, but actually drive over to her house. 

I originally gave this book 3 stars but after thinking about it OVER and OVER, I decided on two stars. Because the characters annoyed me, because I think the four daters would have felt the tension between each other. I don't know or understand why they went out with the wrong person for ages. The best friends friendships didn't seem that healthy to me either. 

I just didn't really enjoy the read, though it was a fast one.
