Friday 3 October 2014

Top 5 Wednesday (one day late, oops)

Top 5 Wednesday is created and run by Mindy and Lainey and can be found here.

This weeks topic is TERRIBLE COVERS.

Please please please remember these are my PERSONAL opinions! For this I am only going to use editions of books I own or have read! (these are also in no particular order).


1. Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. I just don't understand nor like this cover, after loving the uglies cover, I was pretty shocked to pick this up next. This cover is bland, I personally don't think it matches the series very well. Plus I do not like the colour tones they used.


2. Lick by Kylie Scott. I laughed when I saw this cover. It just doesn't have that total New Adult romancey feel to me. Good thing it was on ale at Kobo otherwise I wouldn't have found my guilty pleasure NA series. But back to the cover, yeah I guess you could say this "looks" like the male character, but really it doesn't. This guy does not look like he is some highly sought over rock star to me.


3. Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles. This is just a hideous cover. After how the previous book ended, I really don't appreciate this cover ONE BIT. Plus that is not a nice shot, it makes this almost "kiss" look gross and awkward, plus I really have no clue why they used a lake as a background..


4. Sprout by Dale Peck. I get that the colour green suits the book (since the guy has like green hair). BUT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT FONT AT ALL. This cover had SO much potential from the cover. The font also looks like someone photoshopped it from somewhere else. I just think this book deserves a better cover, that is this.


5. The Gathering Dark by Leigh Bardugo (AKA: Shadow and Bone). I firstly want to say ALINA'S HAIR IS BROWN. LET ME REPEAT. B-R-O-W-N! I understand the whole "cape" going on, but I think they should have chosen a better colour palette (personally). I actually don't mind this cover, and I believe the only reason its on this list is because of the title.

Have a lovely day :)

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